Friday, September 21, 2012

Working EQ

The Pentagon:
1. The positive thing that has happened as a result of what I've done so far is
2. A piece of research that has helped me gain a better understanding of my topic was the article "Eat Me: The Growing Popularity of Zombies" written by Tobin Dalrymple. This article has helped me understand how now days the zombie genre has gotten extremely popular. It also talks about the way zombie enthusiasts participate in the use of games that are of that genre and also how they attend events such as zombie walks.
3. What has worked for me so far in the senior project, was finding my research and mentorship. Since my topic is zombie culture, I turned to Matt Mogk, head of the Zombie Research Society for assistance. He's great help due to the fact that he is the author of quite a few books relating to zombies and because he has set up events for those that are into the culture. Finding research on my topic has worked for me because there are several things to look at in order to examine the culture (video games, books, movies, etc.)
4. What hasn't worked so far was the interview. In the beginning I had trouble getting into contact with Matt, so I was unable to interview him. So, knowing that, I had to find someone else to interview that somewhat related to my topic and I chose a funeral director.  Although I did turn in my first interview in on time, I found out that I had to do it over again. So, as of now, I'm trying my best to book an interview with Matt as soon as he returns from a zombie convention in Pennsylvania in order to get that done.
5. Based on my experience so far, I would like to get an answer to the question of "What makes the zombie genre/culture so popular?
My end goal this year with my senior topic is to actually complete the first task I was assigned in my internship of getting George A. Romero a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I think it would be really amazing if I were to help the Zombie Research Society reach that goal and be known as one of the people that helped get that star for the "grandfather of zombies". I believe that George Romero does deserve this star because he was the one who started the whole modern zombie genre.
I would like to talk to a famous actor that has been in a zombie film next because obviously they are into the whole zombie thing if they were a part of a movie about it. I would probably try to talk to Simon Pegg due to the fact that he is the closest I could get to thanks to the Zombie Research Society. I would also try to talk to Mr. Romero himself, if that was in any way possible.

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